"The Office" is a popular American television series that first aired from 2005 to 2013. The show is a mockumentary-style sitcom set in the Scranton, Pennsylvania branch of the fictional paper company Dunder Mifflin. It follows the daily lives of the employees working in the office and their interactions with each other. In our video, we will look at how the actors of The office series look like in (2023) now...
Here is the The Office: Old vs. New 2023 - A Look at the Actors Then and Now
- Michael Scott (played by Steve Carell)
- Jim Halpert (played by John Krasinski)
- Pam Beesly (played by Jenna Fischer)
- Dwight Schrute (played by Rainn Wilson)
- Ryan Howard (played by B.J. Novak)
- Andy Bernard (played by Ed Helms)
- Angela Martin (played by Angela Kinsey)
- Kevin Malone (played by Brian Baumgartner)
- Oscar Martinez (played by Oscar Nunez)
- Stanley Hudson (played by Leslie David Baker)
- Phyllis Lapin-Vance (played by Phyllis Smith)
- Creed Bratton (played by Creed Bratton)
- Meredith Palmer (played by Kate Flannery)
- Kelly Kapoor (played by Mindy Kaling)
- Toby Flenderson (played by Paul Lieberstein)
The show has a cult following and has won numerous awards, including five Primetime Emmy Awards. In our video, we discussed the situations of the actors of The office series in the series and their current state. You will be amazed at the change of players! We looked at the old and current states (2023) of the actors of The office series. So how did you find our video?
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